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Saturday, June 29, 2013

2 peak in a day - Pine Tree Peak and Twin Peak, Fraser's Hill 16/6/2013

Hello friends... missed blogging for almost 2 weeks now. Its been a busy week with presentation after presentation to prepare. All my brain think about is S.T.R.A.T.E.G.Y.! Exciting and challenging!

My attempt to conquer peaks continues... this time is Pine Tree peak and Twin Peak's peak. Start point Fraser's Hill, a popular hill resort in the state of Perak, Malaysia. (Did you know that Fraser's Hill was named after Louis James Fraser, a Scotsman who prospected for gold in Australia but found tin here in the 1890s - source Wikipedia). 

We decided to leave for Fraser's Hill a day earlier and put up a night at Silverpark Resort. After a light breakfast and all geared up, we started hiking at 930am.

Pine Tree Trail is a challenging 5.5km trail up and down hills to the peak of Pine Tree Hill and the return day hike will take about 7-8 hours at a moderate pace. Pine Tree is a 1,500 meter mountain located in state of Pahang but the we start our journey on foot from state of Perak. It remains the be the most challenging and toughest trekking path in Fraser's Hill. The trail head can be accessed near the end of the High Pines road, just after the TM bungalow.  You'll have a glimpse of Pine Tree's landscape near the start of the trail (if not covered by mists). 
The trail begins with a steep descend on concrete cements stairs before going up and down ridegtops. Wooden railings and ropes makes the multiple ascents and descents more manageable.
There are signs indicating the distance covered throughout the hike. The last signage says "100m to peak"! Enjoy the cool hilly climate all the way through. The last waterpoint is at KM3.0 but you need to detour 300m downhill off the track to Pine Tree peak.

The final ascent to the peak is most challenging. You'll have to climb up a rough near vertical steep stretch that ascends about 15m. Grasp on to the ropes and sturdy roots to make your way up!
The mountain's peak is a small clearing surrounded by dense bushes and shrubs. Not much view especially if its covered with thick clouds and mists. 

After a 30mins break (waiting for the rest of the group to arrive), we continued to hike to the neighbouring Twin peak through a mini gully. The 800m distance between the 2 peaks took us about half an hour. Dense shrubs and thick foliage makes this trail slightly harder to handle.

Twin Peak stands at an altitude of 1400m (lower than Pine Tree peak) but the 360 panoramic view of massive mountain range and surrounding rainforests was simply stunning!
The return journey was much more challenging. Everything was in reverse! What goes down must go up! The last 1.5km to the start point was ascending up the steep concrete stairs. Finally, after 7.5hrs of hiking, 12kms of trails, 2 peaks conquered and 1600calories burned, we made it to the entrance at 6.20pm!
P/s remember to have sufficient water supply as there is only 1 water point which is not visible from the main trail. We bumped into a couple on our way back who asked if we have water to spare. We did and shared it! Poor think!
Another successful and satisfactory adventure! Keep Calm and Hike On!

Friday, June 14, 2013

My jungle journey

Peak of Bukit Tabur East
I am not a hardcore hiker but more of a "Diva Hiker". Don't ask what it means, eventually you'll figure it out. I am tracking my hiking activities and hope to at least conquer an average of 1 peak per month. Hoping that I will have the time and creativity to pen down my journeys.

Here's the list...

  Mount/hill name Region
1 Mount Kinabalu Sabah
2 Mount Korbu Perak
3 Mount Tahan Pahang
4 Gunung Kutu (Bukit Kutu) Perak
5 Mount Angsi Negeri Sembilan
6 Mount Ledang Johor
7 Mount Datuk Negeri Sembilan
8 Tabur East Hill Selangor
9 Gasing Hill Selangor

Have a blessed Friday. Today my girl turns 14!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Taking Risk

Topic for today... Taking Risk! Every decision we make in our daily life (be it personal, family, education, career, community, investment etc) has risk attached. Risk is the uncertainty of your chosen action/activity will lead to a satisfactory outcome or an unexpected loss.Well, even if we do decide not to proceed, there is still an element of risk involved. Agree?

I would consider myself as risk taker (definitely high risk!). I am sure most of you will agree and don't need further justification. My take on this, you'll never know if you never try. What have you got to lose? If I fail, I cant still walk with my head up and proudly say "I did try! Did you?". As the Malaysians would say "U ada??"

Don't get me wrong! I am not suggesting you take risk blindly. If someone tell you to jump off a cliff, don't just jump la. You have 2 options; use tools that can reduce the risk of failure  (abseiling with harness and strong rope, skydive with a parachute or paraglide your way down. Option 2 - tell the person "You jump, I jump". Don't be a fool. Take calculated risk!

Keep Calm and Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Love hiking? Malaysia has it all!

Love the challenge of conquering a peak? Look no further but in your own backyard! We are truly blessed that Malaysia has an extensive list of challenging peaks to fit your whims and fancies. From a short stroll in the morning/evening to enjoy the beauty of sunrise/sunset to spending some nights in the serene surrounds of nature, you will not be short of choice. Thanks to Steve & Edith Bingle for sharing the list of Malaysia's Highest Mountains, via their blog http://www.malaysia-traveller.com/   

Here's the list for easy reference.



Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Hiking is an outdoor activity which consists of walking in natural environments, often in mountainous or other scenic terrain. That's what Prof Wiki says!

Dr Nisa says... Hiking is about being your natural self (wear anything you like, no makeup required!) and enjoying God's creation. I love the challenge of exploring new surroundings (you'll have a story to tell after each expedition). I enjoy being outdoors and surrounded by everything green. I love the smell of chlorophyll! Nevertheless, you do get to "enjoy" other fragrances too. The smell of sweat, bugs, flowers etc and sometimes you do encounter the aroma of the permanent residents here. Tips: If its not in front of you, hike on! These fragrances are not sold in expensive boutiques or shopping malls.
Exclusive for the enthusiast and fans only!
Why hike? Studies have confirmed the health benefits of hiking includes losing weight (i did!!), improves cardiovascular function, reduces hypertension, and improves mental health! I sweat like a *tooot* and it helps to wear quick-dry material tops. Our body continues burning calories for hours after the hike (it's known as Afterburn effect). P/s we always end up stuffing ourselves after every hike! The colour Green that's around you has its own plus points; it mellows you out, increase concentration and retention, improves eyesight and reading ability (not that you'll be reading anything in the jungle!) Its calming effect helps to reduce STRESS!!!
For me personally, there is something more to hiking - discover new trails and enjoying nature at its best, HIKING is FUN, taking time out of your busy day to connect with friends alike while doing an activity such as hiking can improve your mood.
Hiking is called Rambling in the UK, Bushwalking in Australia, Tramping by the Kiwis and Trekking in some countries.
A must follow rule for hikers "Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but your footsteps!"

Ha ha ha!

Funny me... enjoy chatting and sharing stories. So eager to start a blog but only manage to post once a year!! Lazy bump!. Hope this time things are gonna be different.

Well, here the story goes....

1st April... yeyy u r right, its April fool to all of us but this date seems to be an important one to me. Twice my career path took a turn and YES for the better. 1/4/2011, decided to bid farewell to Bapak Rimau and decided to fly with everyone. Cool right! Will share the fly fly fly story in another post.

1/4/2013 yet again, made the bold move to jump again! I must dedicate JUMP JUMP JUMP song to myself! This time I decided to "Enhance Quality of Life". Different environment, industry, culture (a little similarity with the tigers), expectations and challenges.

Not only career move, I have also rekindled my old flame.  He's called HIKING! (NOOOOOOO... not what you guys are thinking about)

To be continued.........

Dictionary definition of re·kin·dle
1. To relight (a fire).
2. To revive or renew: